Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - E-Assessment


Like closed-book procedures, the open-book examination takes place at a specific time and within a specified time. However, in contrast to closed-book procedures, students are allowed to work with their own resources.


As a written examination procedure, it is carried out with the help of the examination system of the HU, the examination Moodle. It can be set up as a free-text task ( assignment module), as a mixed procedure (assignment and test module) and as an itembased answer-choice procedure. Open-Book examinations can be conducted as distance examinations and as face-to-face examinations.

Open-Book with assignment or test module

In an open-book examination, examinees can bring all their notes (incl. books) to a face-to-face examination and use them during the examination, whereby digital aids usually have to be dispensed with. The supervision available primarily prevents interaction between students.

In a distance examination, everything is available to the examinees in their environment during the examination. If necessary, they can be asked to indicate the aids used. Communication with each other cannot be ruled out at a distance, as there is no supervision ("Fernprüfung").

The examination tasks belong to the cognitively more demanding high-level tasks in which the focus is on understanding, applying and assessing the knowledge acquired in advance (or just looked up). Individual knowledge is thus transferred to more comprehensive questions that (should) have a clearer connection to the world of life.