Questions before opening the exam
The exam will be activated for you as soon as you have answered all the following statements with a "Yes". A "No" will be considered as a non-appearance for the examination. If the non-appearance remains unexcused (tardy case), the examination will be evaluated with a "failed". Otherwise, a non-attendance excused with a valid reason is considered a non-attendance.
Special regulations according to BerlHG § 126b do not apply here.
1. Do you feel in good health to write the exam?
Yes | No |
2. I assure that I will answer the examination questions without the help of other persons and without using other texts and information from the Internet, the materials from the course, my own notes or comparable, unauthorised aids.
Yes | No |
3. I also affirm that I will not assist any other person in answering the examination questions.
Yes | No |
4. I am aware that cheating and attempted cheating will result in failing the examination (ZSP-HU, § 111). Special regulations according to BerlHG § 126b do not apply here.
Yes | No |
5. I have taken note of the examination rules as far as they have been published in the examination course.
Yes | No |
You can use templates to import into your own examination course. You can find out how to use these templates in the information course for examiners in the examination Moodle.