5. Prepare
Set exam course
How should examiners handle the exam course until the exam date?
You should definitely hide the sections that contain the actual exam, i.e. set them to invisible, and additionally protect them with conditions, e.g. explanations about health etc..
You can also set the entire course to invisible, but then students will not see the course and may be confused as to where their exam is.
Are student assistants allowed to enter / maintain tasks in the pool?
Yes. They log in to the exam Moodle with their student staff account and are assigned the role "exam assistant".
The responsibility for the correctness of the tasks lies with the examiners.
How to set up disadvantage compensation (NTA) individually?
Compensation for disadvantages, e.g. a longer working time, can be set up directly in the Moodle test or in the Moodle assignment for each student. The option is called "Availability change for user" and refers to the allocation of a longer time for processing. Instructions: for the setting in the assignment module and for the setting in the test module.
Is it possible to include multimedia elements in the tasks?
Yes, wherever the editor is used, multimedia elements can be integrated with the functions there (image, audio, video, H5P). However, H5P still causes problems in several places in test questions, so this tool should not be used in exams.
How do you set the automatic submission of the exam?
This only works with the test module and is set in the general settings, see: Activity Create Test.
Are interim results automatically saved in Moodle?
Results and entries are saved in the examination Moodle automatically every 30 seconds or when the questions are changed. This means that data loss can be minimised to a large extent, even in the event of short-term connection problems. Nevertheless, in the case of free-text tasks, the last words typed may be lost. This is especially important when entering text online in the assignment module.
Is it possible to import tasks from another course?
Yes, you can import content from previous examination courses if you are enrolled in the other course with the role of course administrator, see: Create examination course / Import.
How should examiners handle the exam course until the exam date?
Can students registered for exams via AGNES automatically be transferred to an exam course?
No, unfortunately not yet.
How can students admitted to an examination be enrolled in an examination course?
Manual enrolment by the person responsible for the course or self-enrolment by students, see guide "5. Prepare/Formal Preparation".
How can non-admitted students be prevented from entering an examination course?
Since enrolment takes place before admission, this cannot and should not be prevented. Shortly before the exam, it is therefore necessary to compare the registration list from Agnes with the list of registered students in the Moodle course.
To do this, open the student overview and click on the link "Show all xxx students" at the bottom of the list and select all students. Then select the export format (e.g. csv or xlsx list) in the pop-up menu next to "Persons ..." at the bottom of the overview. This will give you a table with first and last names, email address and matriculation number. After the comparison, you remove non-admitted students from your examination course.
Can students without an HU account log in to Prüfungsmoodle?
Yes, but the account must be created manually for these students (see Formal preparation).
For this purpose, as an examiner, please write an e-mail to the e-examination support (e-pruefungen-support@cms.hu-berlin.de) in which you state the course link, first and last name, e-mail address of the respective (Berlin) university and, if applicable, the matriculation number, so that the account can be created and the person can be enrolled in the corresponding examination course immediately.
Can students registered for exams via AGNES automatically be transferred to an exam course?
Test modul
How do you implement the answer-choice method with Moodle?
You implement the answer-choice method with the test module. You can use the following question types, among others:
- Multiple choice with the option "Allow only one answer" (single choice),
- Multiple choice "All or nothing",
- Matching question,
- Drag & Drop on text or on picture,
- Cloze.
Is it allowed to work with malus points in the answer-choice method?
Minus or malus points may not be awarded across examination papers. The Department of Studies also strongly advises against deducting points for incorrect or unmarked answers in a specific question with multiple answer options. In any case, a maximum of 0 points may be awarded in any one task. The all-or-nothing method is to be preferred.
How do you randomise tasks or questions for different exam versions (pool)?
Save the tasks that are to form random alternatives together in a directory in the question collection (see course settings: "Question collection" / "Categories" or "Questions"). If the students are to receive one of three alternative tasks for task 1, save these three tasks in the directory "Task 1", for example. If the same procedure is to be followed for Task 2, save the three alternatives for Task 2 e.g. in a directory "Task 2".
Now click on the test that is to contain the random questions. Click on the cog, then on Edit test content --> Add --> Add random question.
Now select the directory from which the questions are to be drawn at random (in the example "Task 1"). Proceed in the same way for Task 2 and all other tasks that are to contain random questions.
How do you randomise answers (selection order per question)?
In the settings of the test, it is set by default that the answers per question are arranged randomly. This can also be set separately for each question in the settings.
How do you set a time limit in the test module?
In the settings of the test there is the section "Time". Here the time window of accessibility of the test as well as the duration of the actual working time can be set.
Should you allow jumping back and forth (in the navigation of the test)?
Yes. A fixed question order is problematic if tasks (questions) have different levels of difficulty and/or working times. With fixed navigation, you cannot allow students to answer first those questions that secure many points and/or that students also "know". When using random questions, student A might get the "easy" questions right at the beginning, while student B struggles with difficult questions at the beginning and then might not have the time to answer the supposedly easy questions at the end.
How do you set the pass mark in the answer-choice method?
The setting for the pass mark is in the "Assessment" section.
How do you implement the answer-choice method with Moodle?
Test scenario
How do examiners test their examination?
You can, for example, change roles in the examination Moodle. Alternatively, you can register a student assistant as a participant in the course.
You can also apply for a (second) account for yourself as a so-called test account at the e-examination support in order to test the examination procedure in the role of a participant.
In which course should you do a test of the exam?
It is advisable to agree on standardised test courses in the department in which the general functions of an examination course can be tried out:- Conditions for the activation of an examination
- Download of examination questions (assignment module), if necessary
- Processing of the test module (question types, if applicable, submission and time delay at the beginning)
- Upload of files (incl. conversion of formats, if applicable)
- Video conferencing, communication during the exam
These courses are created in the examination Moodle under mock examinations in the course area of the institution and are thus permanently available.
What should be the minimum scope of the test?
It is important that the participants understand the process. The types of questions used and the organisational procedure should be gone through completely.
How do examiners test their examination?
Video conference
What are the settings for the Moodle plug-in Zoom?
Basically, when setting up the activity HU Zoom Meeting in the examination course under the item "Meeting Options", the default settings should be kept. It is particularly important here that no (!) tick is set for "Authenticated users only". This enables data-saving access to HU-Zoom, which is particularly desirable from a data protection point of view.
As an alternative to using the plug-in, a link for access via browser (anonymous access) must always be provided.
What do I do with the HU Zoom Meeting data in Moodle?
When planning the HU Zoom Meeting in Moodle, all dial-in data, i.e. link, meeting ID and password, should additionally be made available via the forum and / or by e-mail, so that dial-in to the HU Zoom Meeting can take place not only via the Moodle plug-in in the examination course, but also via the Zoom client or completely anonymously via the browser.
How many individual (virtual) examination rooms can be created with the video software (Zoom)?
According to Zoom, a maximum of 50 rooms per examiner can be set up. For larger groups of a remote written exam, several Zoom meetings must therefore be set up.
How do you create individual (virtual) exam rooms in Zoom?
Instructions can be found in the appendix of the guide under "Zoom: Breakout Räume".
What are the settings for the Moodle plug-in Zoom?
Is there a template for the declaration of autonomy?
Yes, see: "Questions before the exam". How these can be integrated into your own examination course as a "Moodle test" prepared by the support team from the template course is explained here: Importing templates into the examination course.
Is there a template for declaring that no one else will be helped during the exam either?
Yes, see: "Questions before the exam". There is a question to be answered in the examples in the template course.
Is there a template for the use of aids?
es, see: "Questions before the exam". How these can be integrated into your own examination course as a "Moodle test" prepared by the support team from the template course is explained here: Importing templates into the examination course.
This template does not cover the actual approved aids. You should already publish this information visibly in the examination course before the exam.
Is there a template for the health check?
Yes, see: "Questions before the exam". How these can be integrated into your own examination course as a "Moodle test" prepared by the support team from the template course is explained here: Importing templates into the examination course.
How should the templates be integrated into the examination?
It is best to include the questions before the exam as a pre-prepared Moodle test provided by Moodle Support.
How to integrate them as a "Moodle test" prepared by the support team from the template course is explained here: Importing templates into the examination course.
Is there a template for explaining what is considered attempted cheating?
There is a note under "Questions before the examination" that attempts at cheating lead to failing the examination.
In principle, technical and, above all, content-related indications can lead to suspicion of cheating, which must be submitted to the responsible examination board for a decision.
Is there a template for the declaration of autonomy?