Test modul
How do you implement the answer-choice method with Moodle?
You implement the answer-choice method with the test module. You can use the following question types, among others:
- Multiple choice with the option "Allow only one answer" (single choice),
- Multiple choice "All or nothing",
- Matching question,
- Drag & Drop on text or on picture,
- Cloze.
Is it allowed to work with malus points in the answer-choice method?
Minus or malus points may not be awarded across examination papers. The Department of Studies also strongly advises against deducting points for incorrect or unmarked answers in a specific question with multiple answer options. In any case, a maximum of 0 points may be awarded in any one task. The all-or-nothing method is to be preferred.
How do you randomise tasks or questions for different exam versions (pool)?
Save the tasks that are to form random alternatives together in a directory in the question collection (see course settings: "Question collection" / "Categories" or "Questions"). If the students are to receive one of three alternative tasks for task 1, save these three tasks in the directory "Task 1", for example. If the same procedure is to be followed for Task 2, save the three alternatives for Task 2 e.g. in a directory "Task 2".
Now click on the test that is to contain the random questions. Click on the cog, then on Edit test content --> Add --> Add random question.
Now select the directory from which the questions are to be drawn at random (in the example "Task 1"). Proceed in the same way for Task 2 and all other tasks that are to contain random questions.
How do you randomise answers (selection order per question)?
In the settings of the test, it is set by default that the answers per question are arranged randomly. This can also be set separately for each question in the settings.
How do you set a time limit in the test module?
In the settings of the test there is the section "Time". Here the time window of accessibility of the test as well as the duration of the actual working time can be set.
Should you allow jumping back and forth (in the navigation of the test)?
Yes. A fixed question order is problematic if tasks (questions) have different levels of difficulty and/or working times. With fixed navigation, you cannot allow students to answer first those questions that secure many points and/or that students also "know". When using random questions, student A might get the "easy" questions right at the beginning, while student B struggles with difficult questions at the beginning and then might not have the time to answer the supposedly easy questions at the end.
How do you set the pass mark in the answer-choice method?
The setting for the pass mark is in the "Assessment" section.