Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - E-Assessment


  • Can the identity be checked via Zoom?
    1. In the case of a distant supervised examination: yes, since videoconferencing is mandatory here and Zoom is permissible.
    2. In the case of a remote examination without (!) supervision: no, as the mandatory use of video conferencing software is prohibited here. Authentification is done via the account used and a declaration of autonomy.
  • How can identity be established in a legally secure manner in a digital examination?
    1. Remote supervised examination: Either the examinee is personally known or an official photo ID is held up to the camera.
    2. Distance examination: Account and declaration of autonomy.
    3. Digital in-person examination: Either the examinee is personally known or an official photo ID is presented.
  • May the identity check also be carried out during the examination?

    Yes. This explicit type of identity check (official photo ID) only applies to remote supervised examinations and digital presence examinations.

  • Is logging in with an HU account sufficient as an identity check in a digital remote examination?
    1. In case of a distance examination without (!) supervision, the login of the account (for HU students the HU account, for external students the registered account) must be extended by a declaration of autonomy.
    2. In the case of a remote supervised examination, the account must be supplemented by an identity check (photo ID or known in person via video conference).