Before the Exam
Do I need a working camera?
Yes, if it is a distance examination where continuous video monitoring is mandatory.
How and until when can I withdraw from an examination?
You can withdraw via AGNES up to one day before the examination date. The withdrawal must be completed by 23:59 on that day at the latest. After the deadline, withdrawal is no longer possible, even if you are already logged into AGNES and have only not yet completed the withdrawal with a TAN.
How can I enrol in the Moodle exam course?
You will be informed by your examiner whether you will be registered (in which case you do not have to do anything) or whether you have to register yourself (in which case you will also receive a registration key).
Is the distance examination recorded?
No, storing the audio and video data is prohibited.
I have a reading/writing disability, do I also get extra time if I take the exam on the computer?
In principle, you can always submit an application for disadvantage compensation to the responsible examination board (§ 109 ZSP-HU). In this application, you must explain why you are requesting compensation. The examination board decides on your application and the form of compensation.
My lecturer has enrolled me in the exam course, but I don't see the course on the dashboard.
This is because your lecturer has not yet made the course visible. The course will be visible on the exam day at the latest.
Where can I find the examination course on the day of the exam?
On your Moodle dashboard. Please make sure that you have the current semester switched on.