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Fig.: Andreas Vollmer

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - E-Assessment

Select the type of examination

Many of the traditional forms of examination can also be carried out as digital examinations (e-assessment, e-examinations) with the help of electronic information and communication technologies. However, this usually changes the didactic, organisational, legal and technical requirements for the examination type.


The selection of the type of examination depends first of all on the legal conditions at the HU: These are specified by the general framework, study and examination regulations (ZSP-HU, see below) and the respective study and examination regulations of the faculties and institutes. In exceptional situations, special regulations issued by the university management may also apply, so that teachers may choose different types of examinations. In addition, there is generally the option to apply to the responsible examination board for a (justified) change in the type of examination planned for a module final examination (MAP).


Permitted types of examinations at the HU

In §§ 96, 96b, 96c ZSP-HU (Interdisciplinary Statutes for the Regulation of Admission, Studies and Examinations, 12th Amendment), the following examination types are named for the module final examinations (MAP) as a general guideline for all faculties (sorted by medium):

Written examinations (in person and / or at a distance)

  • Klausuren (exam with supervision)
  • Take-Home-Prüfungen (exam without supervision)
  • Hausarbeiten (e.g. term paper),
  • Portfolios (e.g. conducted with Mahara),
  • Essays,
  • digitale Klausuren (digital exam with supervision in person or at a distance),
  • Antwort-Wahl-Verfahren (as exam with or without supervision)


Written and oral examination (in person and / or at a distance)

  • multimediale Prüfungen (e.g. interactive presentations, explanatory video)


Oral examination (in person and / or at a distance)

  • mündliche Prüfungen (e.g. exams in courses for language acquisition)


Practice-oriented examination (in person)

  • praktische Prüfungen (e.g. lab exam)


In the examination regulations, these types of examinations can be specified for the institutes and faculties, so that further types of examinations can be added, such as a presentation (e.g. Thaer Institute), oral group examination (e.g. physics), teaching unit examination (e.g. Faculty of Law) or poster (e.g. rehabilitation sciences).

The aforementioned types of examinations can predominantly also be implemented electronically, i.e. as digital examinations (e-examinations, e-assessment) (cf. § 96a para. 1). A basic distinction is made between digital examinations at a distance (with and without remote supervision) and digital examinations in presence (digital presence examination or multimedia examination).

Important: The basic rule at HU Berlin is that written or material-based digital examinations are processed via the examination system (examination courses in the examination Moodle) in order to enable, among other things, standardised and secure archiving of digital examination results.


Time of the Selection and Duty to Inform

After the examination board (PA) or the examination office has requested the examiners to provide the necessary information on the intended examination (the type of examination according to the study and examination regulations, examination dates, etc.), the examiners still have the possibility to apply to the PA for a change of the type of examination if exceptional circumstances have been identified (cf. § 96d par. 2 and 3 ZSP-HU).

Normally, however, the type of examination should be determined before the examination schedule is decided, as students must already be informed at the beginning of the course about the type of examination and how it will be conducted (e.g. distance examination with video supervision). This is also important because students are then in a position to apply for disadvantage compensation if they would otherwise not be able to overcome difficulties with the execution in particular or with the form of examination in general.