Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - E-Assessment

Archive the examination

Digital examination data must be kept for at least 18 months, just like analogue examination data. This data includes the examination task(s), examination results, examination correction, examination evaluation or grading.


Examination data must be stored for at least 18 months in such a way that only a small circle of authorised persons has access. In order to be able to offer access to this examination data in the event of a cross-appeal procedure initiated by the examination board (§ 118 ZSP-HU), the complete examination courses are archived in read-only form. This archiving is in the hands of the examiners, while the administration of the examination Moodle only checks randomly whether an examination course has been archived.

Archiving an examination course in read-only mode

In the examination Moodle, you as examiners and persons with the role "Examination Office" can archive an examination course in which the persons with one of these roles are enrolled in a read-only manner. If necessary, e.g. in the case of a cross-appeal, you can also de-archive the course in question again. Detailed instructions on the archiving procedure can be found in the information course of the examination Moodle under "Archiving examination results".

Long-term archiving

So far, there are no uniform standards at HU on how digital examination data, e.g. the examination courses or take-home examinations submitted there, are kept safe from data loss or data manipulation for a long time. For example, there are requirements to submit handed-in digital documents in PDF/A format. However, this can collide with the requirement to carry out the assessment directly online on the document so that the examination performance and assessment are subsequently available in the examination course without media disruption (download, manual correction, upload). Here, as well as on the technical side, a concept is still pending, which is currently being discussed together with the partners in the Berlin University Alliance.